Wednesday, July 10, 2013

On the first day of school we will be assembling our Science Journals

On the left side of the inside cover we will be making a vision board; setting goals for ourselves in this coming year.  On the right side of our Science Journal, on the first page, we will be pasting a notebook version of the syllabus as a reminder of expectations and how to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves.
I am gearing up and getting excited for the school year to start! Here is the syllabus for the 2013-14 school year

Life Science Syllabus

Welcome to 7th grade life science! I look forward to getting to know all of you as we explore the exciting areas of life science this year.  Our class will be focusing on how these concepts in science apply to your life, and give you the ability to experience, teach, and create. We will also be learning some strategies to help us get prepared for eighth grade, high school, and beyond.

What we will talk about this year!  We will be covering topics that include: light, earth science, evolution, the human body, cells, genetics, and planning a science fair.  Throughout this class,  you will engage in scientific discussions and critical thinking, interesting activities and exciting laboratory experiments.  My hope is that you will acquire and better your skills as students and scientists and begin to see the world a little differently.

Class Supplies - What you will need. 
You will need the following supplies in class every day:
1.     Pencils
2.     Eraser
3.     Colored pen
4.     Science Journal

Grading. You will earn your grade in my class by completing assignments for points. 
Homework: 10%          Tests/Quizzes: 25%              Notebook/Classwork: 40%                Projects: 25%

You are expected to make up any in-class or homework assignments you miss if you are absent.
It is your job to make sure you get the work you have missed from a myself and/or a classmate or you will receive a zero!

You will be receiving a letter grade and a Work Habits and Cooperation grade.   You will earn your Work Habits grade by completing your assignments, participating in class, and bringing necessary materials to class each day.  You will earn your Cooperation grade by following the classroom expectations that are outlined below. 

Grading scale
100-90% A
89-80% B
79-70% C
69-60% D
59-below F

Classroom Expectations
Below are some of the things I expect from you in class every day:

1.     You are lined up (in uniform) in two quiet lines along the wall before the bell rings.
2.     You begin the “do now” activity independently and quietly in your seat immediately after you enter.
3.     You have all of your materials you need in class each day, including pencils, erasers, and your science journal. 
4.     You treat everyone within the classroom, both adults and students, with respect.
5.     You give your best effort in completing assignments and you make up any assignments you may have missed as soon as you return to school.
6.     You do not eat, chew gum, or drink (except water) in class.

Failure to do any of the above things can result in a student/teacher conference, a note sent home, a phone call home, and/or a parent conference and a U in cooperation. 

I will be available for help before and after school, and during nutrition and lunch by appointment.

Final Note
Your work in this class is no joke! I expect a lot from you and it is because I know that you can do it.  I will inform you and your parent/guardian as often as I can of the progress you are making in this class, and I will be available to help you in any way that I can, so please ask! But it is ultimately up to you.  The amount of work you put in will determine the grade you get out, so always give your best effort.