Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Stigmas, anthers and petals oh my!

Welcome to the plant unit (my personal favorite)! For the next few weeks we will be talking everything plants: growing plants, pollenating plants, fertilizing plants, native plants, invasive plants, pollinators, pollination get the idea. Here is a sampling of what we have learned so far.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Evolution Book Project

Students have been furiously working on their evolution books.  They designed an imaginary creature and are then building a cladogram and evolutionary history of their fictitious animal.  The works in progress are very impressive, I can't wait to show off the final products.  Keep posted!

Open House!

Yesterday at Open House the Astronomical Society made an appearance, we had the opportunity to view the Sun, Moon and even Jupiter and its moons! One of the Astronomical members even instructed us on how he put together his very own telescope with materials from Home Depot! Sounds like a spring break project to me. Thank you to all of the parents and students who came last night and to City Year for a great Mario themed math night.

Waiting in line to look at the sun

Looking at sun spots and solar prominences

The moon as viewed through the home made telescope!
(It can be yours with 200$, Home Depot and a little elbow grease)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Saturday at the Los Angeles Arboretum

This Saturday 30 students and myself braved the heat to visit the Los Angeles Arboretum.  While we were there we shared our service learning project and participated in a multitude of environmental activities.  Students created seed bombs, pet California native snakes, went cookie coal mining, learned about native plants, took some pine seedlings and lady bugs home and explored the Arboretum grounds.  We were hot and tired out by the end of the day but what a fun day it was.  Looking forward to more field trips this year.  
On the bus excited to get to the Arboretum!
Observing some sea monkeys
Making a seed bomb is messy work

Look at all those earth worms

Setting up our poster informing others of our environmental fair
Being interviewed for Jane Goodall's Roots and Shoots

I'm ready for my close up!

All jump for the Arboretum!

Just relaxing on a palm tree

Touching a California native snake

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Mural is a go!

I am very excited to announce that the mural on our campus is a go!  Below is a picture of the wall, it is  in the eighth grade area if you want to scope it out just like DJ from CanLove.  I am looking for students to submit their own drawings for what they want the mural to look like.  We are focusing on the environment and academic success.  There will be a box in the main office to submit your ideas. Some lucky students will get elements of their designs painted into the mural! Looking forward to seeing all of your creative submissions.
DJ scoping out the mural wall

The box will be in the main office for your mural drawing proposals

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The guys of CanLove do it again!

Paul and DJ of CanLove came by today and donated the most beautiful painting! We are so lucky for our partnership.  Currently in the works... a MURAL! Keep posted more details to come!

The Audubon Society pays us a visit

The Audubon Society's Ms. Cindy came to visit our classes today and teach us about the native bird species, adaptations and engage us in some bird watching! I know I learned a lot today and had a wonderful time being outside and using my observational skills. Let's hear it for the great work of Ms. Cindy and the Audubon Society!
Ms. Cindy teaching us all about bird adaptations

Binoculars for everyone!

Taxidermy birds

Red Tailed Hawk

Look at that bird beak! So different and yet they all coexist

Looking up at several different bird species all on our very own campus

Do you see anything?